Tug of War Basketball Bungee Pull

Tug of War Basketball Bungee Pull

    • Setup Area: 40L x 15W (Size 32L x 10W x 9H)
    • Age Group: 10 -55

    • $220.00
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Basketball BungeeTug of War  for children 10 and up

Description: Basketball Tug of War Bungee Run game provides plenty of competitive fun at your next event. Both players put on one of the included vests which are connected to a bungee cord. The players must then run in opposite directions to try and slam their ball through the hoop at the ends of the inflatable. Impeding their progress will be the bungee cord, fastened to the other player which will try to pull them back to the center of the game.
 Tug a war basketball game   Check out this Youtube clip, Basketball.


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